
JamesWelcome to graceandknowledge.com! I’m James and I hope that this site will be an encouragement to you.

Scripture teaches a number of things that are essential for Christian growth. The foremost of these things is grace. Grace brings a lost sinner to salvation in the first place. Grace is the continued favor that God shows His children throughout life: sustaining, protecting, providing, enabling, sanctifying. Grace culminates in eternity when God restores all creation and displays His image flawlessly in mankind. The grace of God is woven seamlessly through every part of a Christian’s life, yet we have the responsibility to humbly seek it. “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to humble” (James 4.6). It is my desire that the materials here would aid you to walk humbly before God and enjoy the blessedness of His grace.

Another key to Christian living is knowledge. Heartless head-knowledge and dry intellectualism are worthless – they only tend toward pride (I Cor. 8.1). There is another knowledge that the Scripture strongly commends to us: the knowledge that accompanies a personal relationship. Doctrines are good, exegesis is profitable and theology is necessary – but none of those disciplines can take the place of a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. I hope that the posts here will increase your knowledge of God’s Word, but more importantly, I would be thrilled if that increased knowledge added passion to your love for God Himself!

Thank you for stopping by – may your life reflect a constant growth in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ!

James Steinbach