Reading: Galatians 3:1-29
Questions for the Verses 3:2 ~ How do Christians receive the Holy Spirit? 3:6 ~ Why was Abraham counted righteous? 3:9 ~ What kind of people share Abraham’s blessing? 3:11 ~ How will a just man live? 3:14 ~ What is the blessing of Abraham that Gentiles can receive? 3:16 ~ Who does “Abraham’s seed” refer to? 3:19 ~ Why did God give the Old Testament law? 3:21 ~ Could the Law provide eternal life? 3:24 ~ Who does the Law lead us to? 3:28 ~ Are Christians divided into classes, groups and castes in God’s sight?
Understanding the Word Chapter 2 may have raised some questions in your mind like “What does it mean to have Christ living in me?” or “What exactly does the Law have to do with Christians?” In chapter 3, Paul answers those questions. He begins by questioning the Galatian believers about the beginning of the Christian life and their continuing growth: was it by keeping the law or by walking in faith? The Christian life begins by faith at salvation and it continues as a walk of faith through a life of growth in godliness. Paul illustrates this with Abraham’s life. Even in the Old Testament, Abraham did not earn righteousness by his works; righteousness was given to him because of his faith. Abraham believed God (faith) and then righteousness was credited to his account. God made a promise to Abraham in Genesis 12 that someday all the nations of the earth would be blessed through Abraham. Abraham was counted righteous because of faith, not works; therefore, it follows that everyone who is blessed in Abraham would also be blessed because of faith, not works. According to the Old Testament Law, we are all considered “cursed” – because none of us have perfectly obeyed God. But instead of a curse, God offers life. The end of verse 11 is a quote from Habakkuk 2:4. The idea behind that quotation is this: the one who is justified by faith will live. Paul just argued that the one who tries to be justified by the Law is cursed, but on the other hand, the one who is justified by faith will live. How can God freely give us life instead of a curse? Christ hung on the cross in our place and bore the consequences of that curse. That is what allows us to receive the promised Holy Spirit by faith. Paul continues his argument by showing us how important it is to understand the historical background to the Bible. He rightly points out that God made the promise of justification by faith and blessing in Christ 430 years before He gave the Law. God didn’t make a mistake by giving the Law which no one could keep, so that He had to offer salvation through faith as a change in plans. God’s plan was always justification by faith in Christ – centuries before the Law was given. So then, you may ask, “Why was the Law given at all?” God gave the Law because of sin. Since the first sin in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3), everyone has been born a sinner by nature and continued to sin by choice. God gave the Law to show men how sinful they truly are. In Romans 7:7, Paul wrote that he would not have known his sin unless the Law had exposed and condemned it. When Paul calls the Law a “schoolmaster,” he is emphasizing the disciplinary role of a school principal, not the educating role of a teacher. The first coming of Christ removed the need for that Law-discipline. Now, instead of worrying about the differences between Jews and Gentiles, Christians are all one in Christ Jesus. By being in Christ (who fulfilled the Law) by faith, we can receive the promise of blessing through Abraham without relying on the Law.
Key Verse: Galatians 3:24
Applying the Word The main theme of this chapter is the phrase “by faith.” What does faith mean? Faith is simply taking God at His word, whether it makes sense or not. Read Hebrews 11 for a long list of people who lived “by faith” – often under very difficult pressure. In practice, faith boils down to the words of a familiar hymn: “Trust and Obey.”
Questions for Your Heart
- How are you living today? Not “what are you doing,” but “what enables you to be a God-obeying Christian?”
- Can your walk with God grow by external obedience alone?
- Are there any ways that you have been trying to grow without faith? If so, what are they?
- Are you grateful to God for sending Christ to suffer under the curse that the Law put on you?