I just read the account of the parting of the waters for Israel to escape Pharoah’s army on dry ground (Ex. 14). I’ve heard this story repeatedly since I was five – but tonight, I noticed new things that filled in the details more clearly and pointed more noticeably toward God’s powerful intervention in this miracle!
For one thing, I always pictured one great gust of wind followed by a crossing taking place during the day (ever since I saw my first flannelgraph!), but actually, the Lord sent an all-night wind to hold the waters back for the crossing (Ex. 14.21). Throughout the night, the guiding pillar gave light to the Israelites as they crossed (one or two million of them!), but kept the Egyptians in darkness (Ex. 14.20). During the last watch of the night (perhaps around 5am), as Pharoah’s army (charioteers, cavalry and infantry) followed the Israelites into the passage through the riverbed, the Lord turned his attention to the Egyptians and slowed them to a confused crawl (Ex. 14.24-25). At dawn, after the Israelites were safely across, the Lord withdrew his power from the water-walls and they engulfed the Egyptian army, rolling them over in the waves (Ex. 14.27-28)!
The precision of God’s timing and endurance of his power stood out to me as I read this old, familiar narrative tonight. And those qualities meet needs in my life (yours too, I’d imagine)! As I go through day after day, dealing with the practicalities and tasks and chores of life, I “know” that God is in control, has a plan and will work what’s best in my life. When I pause from the routine to think about big things I’m waiting to see (you know, the important future stuff: getting married, starting a family, serving God in my career), I’m tempted to worry more! However, by God’s grace, I find comfort in these attributes displayed in Ex. 14. God’s timing is excellent! The Israelites certainly wanted a quicker deliverance (Ex. 14.10-12), but God laid everything out in order to catch the Egyptians in the riverbed right at dawn – so he could be glorified and honored (Ex. 14.18)! And in the meantime, while God was putting everything into place for this deliverance/judgment, he was sovereignly protecting his people. The cloud/light, the constant wind, the thoroughness of dry ground – all these things were part of his provision for Israel while they (nervously!) waited to see the completion of this deliverance! And while I wait for the “big pieces” of God’s goals for my life to come to fruition, I have the confidence that he is working with a precise timing (whether I understand it or not) and the firm assurance that he will provide the durative sustenance I need while I wait!