Recent Posts

  • Too much stuff…

    A few weeks ago, I wrote about having way too much and the resulting struggle between distraction and trust.  Today, I was encouraged and challenged as I read a very similar post on a friend’s blog.  I recommend heading over to Mill Musings and reading “Warring Unentangled“!

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  • Preaching Philosophies: which is the best and why it might not be…

    I definitely count myself in the camp of “expositional” preachers – in the Chapell sense of the term.  More specifically, not merely sermons that exegete a single passage clearly, but preaching multiple messages that move thoroughly through a book, long portion of one or a specific theme.  I see this preaching method as the necessary outgrowth of applying biblical theology to homiletics.  This is evidenced by the way I preach (chapter expositions for isolated methods and book studies for lengthier preaching opportunities) and the church I attend (primarily because of the consistent thorough expositional preaching.  In my estimation, this is the best (at least, the best for me) preaching philosophy.

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  • Hospitality

    There are a number of places where the Bible commends (even commands) hospitality:

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  • Christian Liberty and Stumbling-blocks

    Paul’s discussions on meat sacrificed to idols and observance of special days (Rom. 14; I Cor. 8-10) have been rolling around in my head for a while.  There’s some good fodder for contemplation in those chapters: there will always be differences between the ways that godly believers apply Scriptures.  Some people have “higher standards” – others have “more liberty.”  This came to the forefront of my mind when a friend recently asked for my thoughts on those passages.  I dug up an old email I had sent; here is that note (slightly updated).

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  • Stay Right

    One of my best friends is moving tomorrow.  I’ve known Andy for 5 years and he has been a faithful friend during the hardest and happiest moments of that time.  I’m not sad about his departure – he’ll be taking an assistant pastorate in a church and following the Lord’s leading into the vocation for which he’s prepared.

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  • I hardly recognize my own inbox!

    I opened an email account with Gmail in January of 2007.  In the past 19 months, not counting spam, I accumulated over 3200 emails (let’s see, that would be over 170 emails a month, 6-7 a day).  I know, I know, that’s a very modest number.  I know some people who deal with as many emails in a day as I see in a month.

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